In case you are not aware, google adsense offers Competitive Ad Filter using which you can remove ads from your competitor being shown on your site. So say, if you are selling books and you see ads of ebay or amazon on your site offering same product which certainly is not desierable as this will take away the potential client of yours to your competitor, so you can use Adsense Competitive Ad Filter and add all your competitor in the list and their ads will never shown onto your site.

You can find your adsense Competitive Ad Filter options from Adsense Setup -> Competitive Ad Filter

Anyway this is one part of the post, the second part deals with whether or not you should even use it ? the reason being, I have heard people saying it reduces revenue. Now since MWolk don’t make lot of money and I have no reason to add any site as its competitor, its hard to comment on this but it makes sense, if you think about it.

Adsense optimizes ads for your site and shows the most related high paying ads, now if you block few sites which are showing relevant ads, adsense may start showing less relevant ads resulting less clicks. Also people who are in competitive niches like ecommerce products which have real competitors, they don’t use adsense anyway on their site.

Still its your choice, if you want to give it a shot to Adsense Competitive Ad Filter, you can do it though its unlikely you will see any results if you don’t get lot of traffic.