I’m going to unleash a secret of gathering 500 drops each day (except Saturday and Sunday) for free. We are not talking about dropping 300 cards per day in 5 minutes or 15 minutes. We are talking about getting 500 Inbox drops Inbox each day. It sounds impossible, but try asking the question to the top 10 bloggers in Entrecard family. Ok, now how to find TOP 10 members in Entrecard family? Go to Campaign + Most Popular + No Limit, and you can see a list of cards appear. From top to bottom are the top Entrecarders in the family. You can contact them personally and ask, how many Inbox drops they are getting each day.
At least one of my blog in TOP 10 list for a week now and I’m receiving an average of 300 - 450 drops each day. By utilizing Advertisements, Drops and Commenting you can go far with Entrecard. I haven’t utilize the commenting part yet (as I only comment on posts that I’m interested). Commenting is a powerful tool that can draw unlimited traffic from Entrecard or any other network because most of the bloggers are eager to check their post comments and this is the highest attraction point for visitors in any blogs. If you have the power to comment and get this privileges, why not grab it.
First of all, how much credits of EC you earn each day from Entrecard? You can earn credits from dropping, clicking advertisement on blogs widget, receiving inbox drops and advertisements. Not to mention about contest, subsribers bonus, etc. Personally, I’m earning about
512EC(Advertising) + 300(Drops) + 400(Inbox Drops) = 1212 EC per day on average basis.
You can easily sell 1000EC at $1.80 - $2.00 on ebay each day but I prefer to use that credits for my advertising purpose. Consider, I’m paying $1.80 - $2.00 each day to advertise my blog. I’ve stop selling EC on ebay but still selling it on my blog at $3.00/1000EC. I have an excess of 40k EC now and want to sell those credits. It is not wise to spend more than what we earn right? I’m earning 1200 EC per day, and I’m spending 1200 EC per day also.
Talk about advertising, please be wise to choose the blog that you want to advertise. Always, check their popularity ranking. The higher popularity ranking, the higher Inbox drops they are getting. So, the higher chance your blog get click. Make sure you promote on those blogs that are having higher Popularity. For example, one blog have Pupolarity ranking of 500 and need 256EC/day to advertise, and the other blog’s Popularity ranking is 1000 and need 256EC/day. Please choose popularity ranking with 1000 than 500 because the inbox drops of blog with 1000 popularity is double than the blog with popularity ranking 500.
Sources: atniz
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