1. You need to be a member of Entrecard in order to advertise on more than 15,000+ blogs.

2. Each ad will run for 24 hours.

3. The EC value/days in queue to wait appear on the site widget.

4. You will earn 25% credits from the price paid to advertise on your site. The balance 75% will be trashed to prevent inflation. Example, if your site been paid 1000EC to advertise, you will only receive 256 credits on the day the ad show up on your site.

5. If you don’t have enough credit to purchase a slot, then “Too Expensive” will appear and there is no option for you to purchase that particular ads. For example, if you have a balance of 200EC, and interested in purchasing 256EC ad spot, it will show “Too Expensive” and there won’t be any buying options available for you until you reach qualified account balance.

6. By clicking approved, you accept to show their ads on your site.

7. Ads will auto–approved if you don’t approve after 10 days.

8. Try to avoid advertise on the sites that recently rejected your ads by looking at the color codes on the widget (black). Here are the color codes: Gold = Featured, Rose = Favorite, Blue = Ad purchased, Green = Dropped, Dark = Recently rejected

9. Click on the profile to see your previous ads purchase history record (Value of ads purchased and clicks received from this ads display).

10. Try to spend the credits that you earn wisely. Don’t overspend or else you might need to buy it from other sellers, ebay.com or from entrecard.com itself.

Source: atniz