Here are the tips to get more inbox drops count without spending too much EC credits on advertising.

1. First of all, the basic rule to get more visits from Entrecard is to return drops on all your Inbox cards. This is the most basic way. Try to drop at least 300 drops a day. Give highest priority on returning inbox drops followed by high popularity blogs, most advertised blogs, and etc.

2. Take part in Entrecard Forum and write recommendations on other blogs that will increase organic clicks from Entrecard to you.

3. Concentrate on “Most Advertised” blogs and “Most Popular” blogs to buy your ads. Remember, if a site have high popularity ranking, doesn’t mean that it will refer good number of clicks to us. Only most advertised sites with good popularity ranking can deliver good return on our advertisements.

4. Have “Top Droppers” dofollow widget visible above or below Entrecard widget on your blog. Page rank concern droppers are dying to get a spot in this widget. This encourages others to drop more to get top ranking. Rewarding those in your top droppers each month by giving a permalink, EC Credits, etc will bring more returning droppers.

5. Make sure you get at least 300+ drops without any advertising running for you. If you have reach this level, buy one advertising slot with popularity ranking above 2500 (grab if the value is 1024EC). Just one advert per day will do. Continue to do this for every single day. You will see huge difference from 10th day onwards.

Top 10 Entrecarders are getting more than 500 drops each day. If you want to be in this list, try to get at least 500 drops a day for 5 days consequently, as the popularity ranking figure is the total number of drops a blog gets for 5 days.

Source: atniz